Member-only story
I am one of those people who is perpetually busy, with relatively little financial payoff — some people call us millennials (*cue rimshot and cheesy grin*)
Yet somehow I keep my blog, Dora Reads, ticking over with my average of 3 posts a week, plus answering comments, blog-hopping, Twitter-ing, and all the hidden blog tasks like SEO and finding images for posts (and now adapting old posts for Medium, because I am clearly a glutton for punishment.)
Phew! When I put it that way, I wonder how I’ve been doing all this plus running my own business and dealing with regular life-stuff, but I have!
Oh, and I’m writing a book. I know everyone says that, but *shrugs* — it basically counts as another job, in my oh-so humble opinion.
I essentially have three jobs at this point — none of which count as ‘real’ jobs in many people’s dull and limited imaginations. (*Swoons dramatically in a ‘woe is me’ gesture*)