Argh this whole thing does my head in! That dude didn't deserve you and your awesomeness! What a jerk.
I have Welsh first names IRL, and a normal but not overly common English surname which, in Wales, is a pretty uncommon name; the combination is fairly distinctive, which is part of why I use Cee Arr (like the initials, C. R.) online, so that I don't get doxxed. (Amongst other reasons, b/c I seem to be incapable of having only one reason for anything!)
You'd think I landed from Mars, the way some people struggle though. I have been told by supply teachers at school to stop being rude and answer my name, when the name they called was so far from mine - both first name and surname - that I legit. thought they were talking to someone else. I used to get Christmas cards with such varied names as Carly, Crystal, Chloe, Charlotte, and Kirsty - none of these are even close. What makes someone decide, 'oh, this must be wrong, I'll just correct it to something that I'm familiar with!'? Argh!