Escapism, Reality, the Power of Stories, and Brigsby Bear

Cee Arr
5 min readMay 20, 2021
‘Escapism, Realism, the Power of Stories, and Brigsby Bear’ with cute cartoon bear on right-hand side
Graphic: author’s own, made with Canva — and it’s adorkable, if I do say so myself (…also, when I was making the graphic I somehow wrote ‘realism’ instead of reality but *shrugs* same diff I suppose! 😅)

Films, books, media, stories.

They’re how we talk, communicate, connect with each other, with the world around us, and how we understand ourselves.

At least, that’s true for me, maybe it’s not for you.



Cee Arr

Writer, reader, poet, (book) blogger @ , Queer, weird, bookish rebel. Welsh as a tractor on the M4. She/Her. Buy me a coffee @