I do see your examples - I genuinely find it no more confusing than other pronouns can be should someone choose to make it so. And if you don't know who someone is talking about in a sentence, you can just ask? Most people won't mind.
According to the Oxford dictionary, singular they has been in use in English since 1375: https://public.oed.com/blog/a-brief-history-of-singular-they/
So I'm not sure how much longer it's gonna take people to catch up.
Again, I'm not trying to be a buzzkill, just pointing out that you can find it ridiculous all you want - so long as you respect it, and respect that it's important to some people in ways you don't understand. People who have had to fight to have their identities respected and recognised don't find it ridiculous. I also didn't find the 'multiple personality disorder' joke funny - sorry, I just didn't.