I still have a US Associates account - which I use, but more sparingly, since I got kicked off the UK one in 2020 and am still going through my blog to remove the links. I'm not able to go back to the UK one - kicked out means kicked out, and I kept being fobbed off in the system; I even went as far as to write to the UK director, which did see some action, but that petered out too.
I did write a whole blogpost about the entire thing - which I cross-posted here. It's only earned me a little money, but honestly every cent feels like a mini-victory!
If I were a cynical person, I'd say it was because I was earning a modest amount every month - meaning they had to pay the admin and bank fees to pay me, but I wasn't raking in an amount of money that they'd appreciate. That's if I were a cynical person, who believed that when it comes to massive corporations, the house will always win ;)
I was just at the stage where I could see the potential to scale it to a good income stream - after which the plan was to explore different streams - and it was a massive knock-back, to my mental health if nothing else. The truth is that even the little bit of money I had coming in from there was a huge deal to me.
Big companies absolutely make mistakes (and, potentially, not-so-mistakes,) and it's a little naive for people to assume that they can't. Or that you haven't considered the possibilities yourself - I know I twisted it around in my head a lot when it happened with Amazon, and still couldn't come up with anything I'd done wrong.