I Told You


Cee R.
Oct 10, 2024
Woman in the woods with a backpack on her back
Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash

I told you
the world was too
heavy here:
so lay it down
for a little

I told you
that this wasn’t
your responsibility;
your heart
wasn’t supposed
to carry

so let it go —
what will be,
and all that

You told me
you could say
the same
to me

And I told you
it didn’t count
for me

You said ‘why’
— I couldn’t reply,
because I didn’t know the
answer, myself

At least,
not one
that made sense
to anyone
but me

Prompt from the creative Dr. Casey Lawrence:

  • What is good advice is easy to give, but hard to follow?



Cee R.

Writer, poet, (book) blogger @ dorareads.co.uk , Queer, weird, & a tad peculiar. Bookish rebel. Welsh as a tractor on the M4. Buy me a coffee @ ko-fi.com/ceearr