Legal Action Against ‘Gender Queer’ Dismissed

Some good(ish) news in the fight against censorship

Cee Arr


Two feminie-presenting people in the middle of a crowd. The two people are holding a progress pride flag (left-hand chevron: white, pink, blue, brown, black. Rainbow horizontal stripes: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) with ‘Get used to it’ written across it
Photo by Norbu GYACHUNG on Unsplash

The legal action against Maia Kobabe (e/eir)’s graphic memoir Gender Queer has been thrown out!

This was a lawsuit brought by a politician in Virginia against both the author and eir publisher Oni Press, claiming…



Cee Arr

Writer, reader, poet, (book) blogger @ , Queer, weird, bookish rebel. Welsh as a tractor on the M4. She/Her. Buy me a coffee @