On In The Background
Sometimes when I’m doing something boring and/or adulting, I stick on YouTube vids in the background.
Or TV shows.
Or music on Spotify.
When I’m in an audiobooking (that’s a verb, I have decided,) mood — which I tend to do in phases where I’ll leave it for months, or even years, at a time, and then audiobook like 10 in a row — I tend to listen to them on the highest speed it will let me.
That might be x2 (sigh) or x5 (yay!) because people speak so slow!
Sometimes sticking stuff on in the background backfires big-time because I’ll concentrate so hard on my task that I pay no attention whatsoever to what I’m listening to.
Sometimes, though, that’s kind of the point — having noise I can block out, so I can just work through on auto.
(…That one in particular might just be a me-thing 😅)
#WritingPrompt: Are you someone who enjoys the silence or prefers to accompany boring chores with something else? from the lovely Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她):