Ten Things I’ll Never Do

Never Will I Ever… (Well, probably.)

Cee R.
3 min readOct 19, 2022
Rick Astley dancing. Caption: Never gonna give you up
Gif: via Giphy. I regret nothing.

The lovely Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) tagged me to do this — with a no pressure caveat, which I always appreciate because my brain takes things as orders rather than requests sometimes, so anything which relieves that is welcome!

Here’s her post:

Still, this is one I wanted to do — which is probably some form of irony since it’s about things I’ll never do.


Let’s dive into the 10 Things I’ll Never Do (…probably; forever is a long time.)

Rick Astley: Never gonna run around and desert you
Gif: Via Giphy …I promise this is the last one ;)
  1. Be A Member Of An Ant Colony — barring some Them-like scenario, re-incarnation as an ant, or a very experimental piece of theatre. Which sucks, because ants are amazing: some farm aphids, some grow their own food with complex agricultural conditions, and some rent out space to woodlice. They’re…



Cee R.
Cee R.

Written by Cee R.

Writer, poet, (book) blogger @ dorareads.co.uk , Queer, weird, & a tad peculiar. Bookish rebel. Welsh as a tractor on the M4. Buy me a coffee @ ko-fi.com/ceearr

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