To Love A Loki

There’s something everyone seems to miss about series 1 of Loki…

Cee R.
5 min readOct 6, 2023

(Warning: this post discusses low self-esteem and self-hatred. It also briefly mentions self-harm.)

With series 2 of Loki starting streaming (eep!), I thought I’d discuss something about series 1 that tends to get missed in the online talky-talks (aka ‘The Discourse™.’)

Title: To Love A Loki. Background: green brushstroke pattern
Graphic: author’s own, made with Canva

Before we go any further though — this post is gonna have SPOILERS for series 1 of Loki.


OK, you can’t say I didn’t warn you, let’s talk Loki -

In the series, Loki falls in love with Sylvie — a female alternate version of himself from a different timeline.

And honestly — who can blame him? She’s… *fans self*

Anyway, a lot of people were… irrationally angry about this.

For a variety of reasons — some valid, some not-so-valid.



Cee R.

Writer, reader, poet, (book) blogger @ , Queer, weird, bookish rebel. Welsh as a tractor on the M4. Buy me a coffee @