‘I need this vacay more than I need the nine realms to be in one piece when I get back’

Cee R.
1 min readOct 1, 2021

A (not-so) accurate summary of Marvel’s What If…? episode 7 — What If… Thor Were An Only Child?

A Lego-type Thor figure, wearing a horned helmet and holding a hammer
Photo by Mateusz Wacławek on Unsplash



Frigga: No parties

Thor: …Of course not *fingers crossed behind back*

Frigga: Ugh, I don’t believe you for an instant, but I need this vacay more than I need the nine realms to be in one piece when I get back


Maria: OK that’s it, this is too weird and I don’t have Fury’s weird hang-ups about asking for help

Coulson: Call Carol?

Maria (nodding): Call Carol.


Carol: I’m Captain Marvel

Frigga (mentally): OMG IT’S CAPTAIN MARVEL!!!! RFHGOFRTNGL!!!! OK, play it cool, Frigga. You’re gonna come across like a total awkward fangirl.

Frigga (out loud): I know who you are. Thank you for pulling Thor’s head outta his a** and kicking his butt halfway across the planet.

Carol: My pleasure.

You can check out all my What If…? posts here

Originally published as part of a larger Comics Wrap-Up post on my blog, Dora Reads



Cee R.

Writer, poet, (book) blogger @ dorareads.co.uk , Queer, weird, & a tad peculiar. Bookish rebel. Welsh as a tractor on the M4. Buy me a coffee @ ko-fi.com/ceearr