My Highest Earning Medium Story In April 2023

…Bit random, but I’ll take it!

Cee R.
2 min readMay 2, 2023
Illustration of a random woman with an umbrella, captioned ‘April’
Graphic: author’s own, made with image software using a picture from Pixabay — Unsplash was glitching, so I went with something I made for my blog 4 or 5 years ago. #Recycling! Lol.

First off — I did better, money-wise, in April than I did in March! Woo!

It was only by a few cents, but I’m OK with that.

I made a little over $7.80 in April — not gonna break the bank, but progress is progress.

For now, I reckon I’m just gonna try to beat the amount I made the month before. Arbitrary, but something to aim for.

Maybe it’ll work, maybe it won’t — time will tell.

I made over $1.80 — the highest for this month — on a random story about a specific episode of Marvel’s What If…? Disney+ series.

This story was originally published in September 2021.

I have no idea why it’s suddenly bringing in the coin, but I am not arguing! Superhero nerdiness will not steer me wrong, clearly.

Speaking of — my story



Cee R.
Cee R.

Written by Cee R.

Writer, poet, (book) blogger @ , Queer, weird, & a tad peculiar. Bookish rebel. Welsh as a tractor on the M4. Buy me a coffee @

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