Member-only story
A totally accurate* summary of Marvel’s What If…? episode 1 — ‘What if… Captain Carter Were The First Avenger?’ *Accuracy may vary and/or be non-existant
Army guy: Rogers get in there!
Peggy: Dude, he’s bleeding out, chill
Army guy: OK! Howard Stark, you’re up!
Howard: Aw hell no! Risking other people’s lives? Fine. Risking my life? Ain’t gonna happen.
Army guy: Get in there you b***h!
Howard: Yeah, not gonna happen
Peggy: For God’s sake, I’ll do it myself!
Howard: Hell yeah!
Army guy: But… but you’re a girl! Stark, you can’t make a girl a super-soldier!
Howard: Uh-huh, yeah. But I can, tho.
(aka how the episode would have gone if Marvel weren’t cowards)
Steve: Uh, Peggy can you can rescue my… uh… friend?
Peggy: Friend, yeah, sure Steve. Friend. I’ll go get your man candy, no problem.
You can check out all my Marvel’s What If…? posts here
Originally published as part of a Comics Wrap-Up post on my blog, Dora Reads